Before you can use your card, you must use your Account Code to activate your card through our freephone 'Interactive Voice Response' system on 0800 458 7150. You’ll also need your Account Code to prove that you are the authorised cardholder if you need to contact Customer Services or to enter secure areas on our website. For example, you’ll need your code to register your details, view or hear your account balance and transaction details, apply for a reloadable card, transfer a left-over account balance from an old card to a new card, or report lost and stolen cards. Your Account Code should be considered as strictly confidential information. Make sure you keep it safe, and separate from your card or any record of your card number.
If you have not registered your card prior to losing your Account Code, we can’t provide you with a new Account Code to access your account services e.g. account balance enquiry, registration and 'card account to card account' transfer. However, you will still be able to use the Prime Card to make purchases, as long as you have available funds to do so. If you registered your card before losing your Account Code, you may still be able to access all of your account services by calling Customer Services on 0870 144 0280. We may also be able to send you your account code by email.
Once you have registered your card, you will be able to change your four digit account code to something more memorable via the My Account area of Simply log in using your Prime Card number and existing account code, click on the ‘change my account code’ option and follow the on-screen instructions.